This is a new blog

Ah, that new blog smell. This is a specific-use blog, as opposed to my other blog, which covers just about anything. You can visit that here.

This code blog represents all kinds of new things: I’m hosting it on GitHub, which I’ve never used before, parsing it with Jekyll and rolling with Jekyll Bootstrap, both of which are brand new to me, writing it in markdown, which is pretty neat, and it’s going to be about the stuff that I code, which is something that I’ve always been interested in picking up and only now am I applying myself to learning it and making some cool, useful stuff.

What you can expect

Soon, I’ll be moving away from the bootstrappy feel into something that fits me better and I aim to post up new (or updated/fixed) code at least a coulpe times a month, hopefully more often than that.

There will be links to all of my code as well so you can download, play with, and fork it to your heart’s content.



29 May 2012
